Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How can you overcome infidelity?

If your husband had always been honest and caring and loving but after 2 decades fell in love with someone else and told you and reassured you that he still loves you would you forgive him and let him continue this relationship?

Could you do anything to win him back?what would that be?

If divorce is not an option what would you do?How can you overcome infidelity?
if it were the one and only time he did this, and he ended the relationship with the other woman i would do my best to forgive but i would not forget. he should be the one winning back your love, u got it backwards. if divorce weren't an option u would have to find a way to restore the marriage providing he were willing to end it with her. i would never allow my husband to continue lying and cheating on me because sometimes the end result is that they want a divorce anyway so they can be with the other woman. if u have lost everything u still have your dignity and should not let your husband continue cheating on u. don't play second to any other woman.How can you overcome infidelity?
I wouldn't have gotten married if divorce wasn't an option, so I can't give you an answer as far as that is concerned. What I can tell you is that I definitely wouldn't allow his relationship to continue.
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