Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Married Woman Only (Have you ever been cheated on by your husband, ex husband?)?

A friend of mines suspected her husband cheated on her a long time ago and she never confronted him about it, she blames herself for working away and is obviously suffering from betrayal, trust issues, heartbreak, pain. She denies it but it is so blantantly obvious. She recently fell in love with somebody else and he loved her too. They both had a secret love affair for awhile but then she chose to end it (who knows why). Her husband also suspects that she has now been cheating too. But she went back to her husband and has now accepted a job in which they will move to another country and work in the same department, live together 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. But obviously without confronting each other about these affairs, they have communication issues. Maybe she is scared of being let down away and so pushes the other guy away. But without commitment, trust, communication, and the suspicions eating away at them I don't see how this relationship will work. I'm worried about herMarried Woman Only (Have you ever been cheated on by your husband, ex husband?)?
if he did he wouldn't be around to talk about itMarried Woman Only (Have you ever been cheated on by your husband, ex husband?)?
I kicked his cheating *** out and divorced him. I hate cheaters.
My advice is to continue to be her support until she is ready to confess to her husband or face reality. When it comes to love affairs, friends should always be supporters and keep advice to themselves. I know many many many friendships that have been distroyed by friends giving advice about love lives and what they should or should not have done. You will always be the one to blame or the husband will end up hating you for filling his wife's head with lies. You don't know all sides of the story and you will never know. That is the best advice I can give you. Stay out of it...just listen and comfort her. When she ask for advice to her to follow her heart and that you will not judge her and you will always be there for her. Repeat that line constantly. P.S. I lost a friendship of 10 years because of me caring so much that I gave advice on my friend's love life. My sisters no longer talk because one of my sisters gave advice to my other sister about her drunk bastered cheating husband. You always fail that the end. Sorry.
I can honestly say no.... my husband has never cheated on me, before we got married he was a bad boyfriend.. lol but what we went through made us that much stronger.
My hubby cheated on me with someone at his work, yay fun,

so I kinda went nuts suffered depression and panic attacks, separated for a year got back together, tried to sort it out and make it all better, bought a house have another baby but because I could not get over the trust issues after another couple of years I left and guess who he is married to now!! yep the one he had the affair with so there you go
It's still a very touchy subject since it's only about 18 months old. My husband of 12 years moved out and in with the woman at his job. He still paid the mortage and borrowed 25,000 against his mortage to help her buy a house with a sub prime mtge which is due in Aug. I was glad he finally told me which allowed for me to try to get my life back together. We all have a choice when they cheat. When can do what the world says and cheat to or when can stop reevaluate our relationship with God and draw close to him. I chose to get close to God. First, I moved out of our house and in with my mom and I'm over 40 but I needed to do that because he was doing that back and forth which is twice as hard. I didn't do what most wives do, act a complete fool on the job or go to her house as she came to mine. I am now in a much better place because I allowed God to get vengence for me. She can't pay the subprime mtge, her grand daughter is autisic and before anybody says anything read the bible. What you sow generations after will reap. We had his credit at about 700 but now he is getting ready to file bankruptcy. As I told him, lust last as long as the sex and the money is there, when reality really kicks in it's usually to late for the cheating spouse. I suggest she tries to find happiness and not just be content because the world tries to define women by their husbands. Things are so bad for them they started stealing from their job at the CCT. They go earlier to rob the fare boxes. So not only are they struggling to survive but reduced to stealing. Your friend really needs to elevaute why she wants to stay married if she isn't happy. I forgot to mention I had been sick with fibromyalga for 6 years and on Morhphine which reduces your sex drive. Now he is taking it so you see you will reap what you sow before you leave here. So ask her is it better to live unhappy and have regrets or get a divorce and have no regrets.
No, because if I did catch him, he wouldn't have anything to worry about but his life.

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