Monday, August 9, 2010

GUYS!!! how can I get my husband back? We have been married for 3 years and separated since january 2008?

Ok, we have been married for 3 years. I got pregnant and he feels like he doesn't love me anymore. He feels he is inlove w/a friend of him.

We have been talking and seeing each other, things are getting better now. But he is not sure if he wants to come back.

He says he loves me and he cares about me and our baby, but he also loves the other girl.

He says they don't see each other or talk, but he wants to forget about her cause he knows it wasn't the right thing to do.

So now I want to do as much as I can to be the one in his mind, in his heart and be together as a family Im 5 months pregnant. And I just want to do my best to make him fall in love with me like before or even better.

I saw him on friday and I know he still likes me cause of the way he was acting, plus he kiss me twice.

You guys think I shouldn't let that happen again (the kissing part) if he does make up his mind and his heart?

I know its a long question %26amp; thankyou 4 your time.

What's the best way to get himbackGUYS!!! how can I get my husband back? We have been married for 3 years and separated since january 2008?
if you are going to have his child and he is gone to another girl no matter what for but the point being he left you, then you should cut your loss and take him to court for child support when the child is born and move on with a divorce and a new lifeGUYS!!! how can I get my husband back? We have been married for 3 years and separated since january 2008?
Let's get this straight--he tells you he loves another girl and you want him back. You sound as though you got married very young, and you think that it's perfectly ok that your husband not only cheated on you, but now wants to play both of you for fools.
Your husband is a very confused man... but all men are so this is fixable...

My advice is to keep cool. Do NOT let him know how much you miss him and want him back after he left for another woman. Just tell him that he will be able to see your child whenever he wants but he shouldn麓t kiss you (if he tries to do it again) at least for the moment. Tell him you need sometime alone and why not maybe in the future you can start dating again...

When he sees you are unreachable, you will be in his mind and heart.

In short: be a b*tch and you will be loved...

Don麓t believe me? read this book please:鈥?/a>
S is for the sorrow one feels when he's gone

U is for unity, now broken because of another woman

C is for crushed as your feelings must be

K is for keeping your love for him alive

E is for ego, which stroking his is what you're doing

R is for realizing too late what a fool you're making of yourself

Put THAT all together and it sums up everything.
there is no way to get him back or to ';make him'; fall in love with you. He needs to grow up and figure out what he wants. You should try and let him know how much you want to make the relationship work but not push him. Once he realizes how much he's going to be paying you in child support, maybe he'll be more realistic and figure out that his living style will be better if you guys have one household and he sees his kid rather than him trying to live and pay for his separate life. He'll be stuck paying no matter what.
This is just so sad.

Why do you want to be second best? You know he will always seem to find a new ';friend'; if you continued to be married.

Sorry but if getting pregnant did not keep him around, really, is it worth it?
you shouldnt take him back. You dont need him to provide a family for your child. he left you when you were pregnant with a baby for another woman. he's a loser and you deserve better! why the heck would you want him back? he'll probably do it again if you do take him back. dont cause your self any more hurt. move on.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi am miss Julianna from Philippine and am here to thank, praise and share my good experience with this DR UDUEHI of, i got married at the age of 27 to the man i loved and we were both living together and when i was 29 i gave birth to a baby boy for my husband and we both thank God for the child. but when our marriage was 8 years old my husband was been transfer to work in Canada which is another country and just within two month of him been there i called my husband and a lady pick up the call and i tried as after my husband and she told me to go to hell and that was how this evil lady took over my husband and even week ends when he come to Philippine he don't even ask after me nor the child so i know that my husband was been captured by a devilish woman and i started looking for solution every where . so my friend from Africa refereed me to this man DR UDUEHI at first i must tell you friends i never wanted to work with the man but when i notice there was nothing i can i decided to contact the man on his email because i cant go to his temple as am in Philippine and when i told this man my problems i was very surprise when he said to Julianna your husband will come for you on Friday and to my best surprise after some few sacrifice to his temple on that Thursday morning and when i got to work on Friday i received a call from a strange number to my best surprise it was my husband and that was how Dr uduehi help me to win back my man with his love spell and today am happily living with my husband Mr Santos . so i ask the Dr uduehi of how do i pay you for this he said no to and ask me to share the good news to the world so others can also hear and benefit so this is why am doing this .love you all

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