Monday, August 9, 2010

How do i make my husband fall back ';in'; love with me?

he says he loves me as mother of his children, and our 15 yrs. together, but has fallen in love with someone else. I still live with him and are getting along alot better, but it seems he still holding on to those other feelings and I don't know if you can have room for 2 poeple in your heartHow do i make my husband fall back ';in'; love with me?
Try to impress him like you did before you got married. Get all dolled up, seduce him, surprise him, be sweet, let him know you are thinking about him in actions.How do i make my husband fall back ';in'; love with me?
you cant you should just give up save your self the heart ache
WOW, thats deep...but you are putting up with it, so he thinks he can get away with it.. If there is a way for him to fall back in love with you then he has already told you and ether you weren't listening or didn't pick up on his hints.

I guess the big question is can you stay with him, in a healthy relationship, knowing that he has slept around, I know my wife wouldn't.

Your best bet is counciling.. if he really wants to save the marriage then I sugest counciling.
Make him feel wanted and needed...very important for men to feel like they are ';the man'; him your love and show him you need him
I don't have much experience in this myself but here's my $.02: If you're still willing to work on your marriage, you need to be a lover to him again. Just think back in time when you first got the passion was creating sparks. Get fixed up, put on a sexy outfit, seduce him all over again. Right now he's looking upon you as a ';mother'; instead of a lover and strange as it may sound, this probably turns him off. He's probably looking for that same excitement he's experienced before. You need to get out of that rut and not only be his wife and the mother of his his lover too.
You can't make him fall back in love with you, he has to do that on his own.
if he has fallen in love with someone else you have your answer!!!!! I'm surprised he is still with you unless she is married. do not put yourself second best. move on. why? if it happened once it will definitely keep going on, you deserve so much better. i know you love him.but, why would you want to be with someone who don't want you full time. let him go one day when its to late guess what??? he will wake up and it will be his loss thanks Kat

Go look at the mirror in the bathroom and have a long talk with the person you see.

You better get some self-respect.

Do you live in California? HALF! + CHILD SUPPORT!

You'd better recognize!

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