Monday, August 9, 2010

How do you get your lover to fall in love with his wife all over again and forget you?

When the wife is sick, the husband ';caregiver'; begins to need an outlet so he finds a willing partner, but you, the ';willing partner'; discover that you are just an FB or FWB and nothing more. Because you love him, the one thing you want to do is make him remember he truly loves his wife and needs to fall back in love again even though she is ill, may not recover, and needs him more than ever. As the lover or ';other woman,'; I have realized that this is ultimately important to make him realize he may regret this time if he doesn't devote himself to her, and her alone. I have tried to suggest how beautiful and caring she is and deserves all his love. I truly think he has forgotten the reasons he loves her and should be loyal to him, even though we are intimate. I am trying not to be hurt by this, as I am a realist, even though I have discovered a very special and wonderful man, I know it is not right, and want to do the ';right'; thing. That's all. Help me help him return to her.How do you get your lover to fall in love with his wife all over again and forget you?
at least you came back to your senses! why don't you just open up and tell him how you feel. if that doesn't work cut him off completely and move on. you've already seen the light and error of your ways now make it happen. good luck.How do you get your lover to fall in love with his wife all over again and forget you?
My suggestion to you is that you just walk away. You probably should say your final words, but walk away.... for good. It is not your responsibility to make him change the way he feels about his wife. If he loves her or if he has an ounce of integrity in him, he will take care of her...but it's not your call to encourage him to do so. (And even if you did talk him into it, what kind of man needs to be persuaded to take care of his sick wife?)

Good luck.
Turn and walk away. You can just do this with a phone call if you don't want to face him.

I don't think he will need much convincing to take care of his wife. This will come out naturally.
Leave him and don't return. With you out of the picture he wil return to her.
if you wanted to do the right thing you would of never of done this. that was very wrong to do something like that! anyways besides the point since its over and done with. you should try to cut out all contact with this guy. you being around isnt helping the matter. change your phone number and ignore him.
It easy, stop talking to him, do not see him, do not take his phone calls, texts, nothing. Make him own up to whatever his is running from.

You say his wife is sick, if it possible that she will be leaving this earth soon, then when she does. then fine. (yes I know that sounds crude) But, be a lady, would you want to be sick and your hubby find him an ';Willing Partner';?
For everyone here is the real message: SHe boldly said she found someone new! Her thing is she cheated on the married man and now she don't want to hurt him so she is trying to send him back to his wife and if she cared she would have never done that in the first place.


You want to send him back to his wife. Make him a scrapbook of him and his wife and shut the door and don't talk to him again. move on with this other guy. I sure you will cheat on him so just keep going.
If you really wanted to do the RIGHT thing, you would stop giving him the booty. But you don't really want to stop seeing him.
just leave him contact what so ever

the more you're in his life %26amp; mind the more he will never get the point

and whose to say he honestly loves his wife?

i think you love someone you will be supportive, true and faithful no matter what may happen

so even when u leave the picture will he go back to his wife or just find another FWB?
since when does Good come out of cheating? You reap what you sow no matter how you excuse it or pretend it's a way of helping somebody. You can't sugar-coat adultry...nobody buys it even in the microwave age
tell him you have herpes
be like what man see a wife like.. nagging
How sad to know that this a.s.s.h.o.l.e. is sleeping around with a w.h.o.r.e. (meaning: YOU) while his wife is ill and needs his love and care more than ever, I'm sure. If you were such caring person, you would've never slept with a married man who's got a sick wife at home... ';Help me help him return to her...'; You're so incredibly ridiculous! I have tears dripping down my cheeks...yeah, right!
This man is feeling emotionally alone. You are there to fill that void. I'm sure if his wife is sick she's not giving him what he needs .Not that I'm blaming her ,but he still human and still has needs.It's totally up to you , but ask yourself,how would you feel if you were in her place.He made a vow ,not you. What ever you choose to do, make sure you can live with it.
stop having sex with him and tell him to go home to his wife!! Ugh, stop welcoming him into your home and your bed...he will get the message!!
Stop responding to him. Do not answer his calls, do not be there for him. End all communication with him. He wants someone in his life and with you gone he will focus his efforts on the one nearest him. This is not to say he won't do this again with someone else but it is possible he will initially refocus his efforts one her. If she responds, it may work for them again. As for you, you currently give him no reason to leave you. End the relationship and cease all communication. He will try to change your mind but you will need to be strong, ignore his pleas and ultimately erase him from your life... Good Luck.
this is a crazy story.

you should just walk away from the whole thing.

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