Monday, August 9, 2010

To the ladies, falling back in love w/ your?

Any ladies here re-kindle / re-fall in love with your husband? and How long did it took? Where the love completely gone or just needed space to think things out? Anybody fell out of love, dated a little during separation and found the husband is worth loving again?To the ladies, falling back in love w/ your?
Maybe sometimes just stepping back and remembering what made you fall in love with him in the first place. I had a ton of problems with my fiance - who at the time was my boyfriend. But see what it was that made me fall in love with him again was something completely new. Because people change with time and experiences and this was my pregnancy and a ton of changes that had to take place due to an unexpected pregnancy, we were at a point that I did not think we were going to make it as a couple (also, because I was incredibly hormonal!) - but what did it for me, was the day our daughter was born and the love for our daughter that we shared, I fell completely head over heals for him again and we are now engaged and getting married this September.

So maybe what you fell in love with is not apart of either your personality or his anymore - maybe looking at the things that mean so much to you know in your relationship and focussing on that - but sometimes it is just simply that love takes two to keep it going strong and only one to end it.

Nobody can tell you how exactly to handle your relationship, b/c only you has a complete understanding of where it is at, sometimes you can only work on what you have. If you have not already try talking to your husband about your concerns in a manner that is not attack but an approach as you have now that you want to find a resolution, because it is something that will take both of you to work at it. There is obviously still feelings there on your end that is strong enough for you to say that you want to find a resolution. :)To the ladies, falling back in love w/ your?
Well me and my hubby definitley have our problems and there are times i think I may not love him anymore or maybe not like i used to. But then we spend time apart and i miss him like crazy and cant get him out of my mind, talk abou thim and he will always be on my mind. I cnat wait for him to call me and I jsut want to hear his voice. We ahv ebeen seperated a few times and the first time i did date a few other guys but my mind would always be thinking of my hubby and i would feel guilty. Most of the falling out of love feelings can come from stress and being around the person to much and jsut needing space to do your own thing sometimes. In my opinion you never completely fall out of love with someone but feelings can change to where you can mve on without them. If this is your situation I feel for you and really dont have any advice to give you other then my own experiences. I hope this helps atleast a lil? Good luck
i personally haven't been in your situation but my sister has.....she married her first husband 8 years ago. they divorced after just 2 years. all of their friends and family said it was a mistake and that they still loved each other. well after my sister had several bf's, she married for the second time. after she found him cheating on her she told him to hit the road. her ex was never completely out of her life. he was at all the b-day's and christmas, easter, thanksgiving...they had a son together. when he found out she was getting divorced he jumped at the chance and told her he had lived 5 long years without her and couldn't stand to live without her anymore. they are now married again!! no, not happily ever after. they still have their problems. but, they know they caqn't live without one another.
My husband cheated on me years ago. I was $200 away from divorcing him. He called one morning begging for a 2nd chance. I laughed and hung up on him. HOWEVER...We did start talking that same week and eventually ended up back together. It's been 5 yrs and we still have some problems but we love each other and are making it work.
I don't know. I am in the same situation and I am waiting to see the responses you get

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